How can therapy help me?

• Improved mental health: Therapy can help you manage and overcome mental health concerns such as depression, anxiety, trauma, addiction, eating disorders, stress, etc. Your therapist can teach you coping strategies, provide you with tools to manage symptoms, and help you build resilience.

• Increased self-awareness: Therapy can help you gain insight into your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. By understanding your patterns and triggers, you can learn to make more intentional choices and make positive changes in your life.

• Better relationships: Therapy can help you develop better communication skills, set boundaries, and resolve conflicts in your relationships. You can also learn how to identify toxic relationships and avoid repeating unhealthy patterns.

• Stress reduction: Therapy can teach you stress management techniques as well as help you learn to recognize and manage stress triggers to avoid burnout.

• Goal achievement: Therapy can help you set achievable goals and develop a plan to achieve them. Your therapist can provide you with accountability and support throughout the process.

• Increased self-confidence: Therapy can help you build self-esteem and self-confidence by recognizing and challenging negative self-talk and self-sabotage.

Why do people go to therapy? How do I know if it is right for me?

The decision to seek therapy is a very personal one. Everyone goes through challenging situations in life and you have probably successfully managed other difficult situations before. It is a sign of strength and self-awareness to recognize when you may need extra support. We can provide you with a safe and supportive space to work through your concerns, develop coping strategies, and build resilience.

People have many different motivations for starting therapy. Some may be going through a major life transition or want to handle stressful circumstances better. Some people need assistance in managing a range of other issues such as low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, unresolved childhood issues, addictions, relationship problems, trauma, eating disorders, stress, and/or emotional instability. Other people may be at a point where they are ready to learn more about themselves or want to be more effective with their goals in life.

Therapy can help provide some much-needed encouragement and help with skills to get through these periods.

Is therapy confidential?

Confidentiality is one of the most important aspects of a client-therapist relationship. For therapy to be beneficial and successful it requires a high degree of trust to feel comfortable discussing sensitive and personal information. There are times you may want us to share information or give an update to someone (doctor, attorney, dietician, family member, job, etc.) and we are only able to do so with your written permission. Therapists have very specific exceptions to maintaining confidentiality and they include reporting abuse of children/elders as well as if we have reason to suspect a client is seriously in danger of harming themselves or has threatened to harm another person.

How do I schedule an appointment?

To schedule an appointment you can contact us by phone, email, or through the contact form on this website. We will help you find a therapist who is the best fit for your needs and schedule your first appointment.

What is the process to get started?

We will start with an initial phone consultation. This gives you time to discuss what you are seeking as well as the services offered before making an appointment. After scheduling an appointment, you will receive an introductory email that contains a secure portal link to access paperwork electronically. 

The first session is an intake appointment where we will discuss many areas of your life and experiences as well as begin to establish treatment goals. The intake process can take up to three to four sessions. We will make a recommendation for frequency of sessions which will be discussed together and modified throughout the process. Your goals and the type of therapeutic approaches are tailored to you and your individual needs.

How long will therapy last?

The short answer is it depends. Therapy is a collaborative process between you and your therapist. We will create your treatment goals together as well as openly discuss the frequency of your sessions and review your goals throughout the process. Therapy may be short term or long term depending on those goals. At SCS, we make it a priority for you to get what you need from therapy and then support your transition to discontinue sessions when treatment is complete. Our therapists don't continue therapy for longer than you need.

Does the practice take insurance?

We are considered an out-of-network practice. Many insurance plans include coverage for out-of-network benefits and the amount of coverage varies. With this option, you will pay for each session and then receive a special receipt called a "superbill". This is what you can submit to your insurance company for reimbursement.

**Please note: We offer courtesy billing for Law Enforcement/First Responders. This means we will submit claims on your behalf rather than taking payment upfront**

If you’re not familiar with your out-of-network benefits, follow these steps to find out about your plan:

1) Call the phone number on the back of your insurance card and listen for a prompt like “Eligibility/Benefits.” Ask a representative the following questions:

• “Do I have out-of-network benefits?”

• “What is my deductible?” (This is the amount you pay before they offer reimbursement).

• “What is the rate of reimbursement after I meet the deductible?” (For example, they may say it is 80/20 which means they will reimburse you 80% of the allowed amount after your deductible has been met).

2) Find out the “allowed amount” for each session. They will need the billing code, also called a “CPT code”. A 45 minute individual session is code 90834 and a 60 minute individual session code is 90837.

• “What is the allowed amount covered for each individual therapy session?”

 3) Find out about the claims submission process.

• “How do I submit claims for reimbursement?” 

This process can seem difficult and overwhelming at first and we can help you navigate it!

Where can I park?

We are located at 20 Community Place in downtown Morristown, New Jersey. You can access street parking on Community Place and the adjacent streets of Maple Avenue and South Street. If street parking is not available there is a parking deck one block away at the DeHart Street parking garage.